
Meetings with Bart Woodcook

Hi Everyone,

we are delighted to have the new "Distributor of the Year" in Ireland next week to support the phenomenal growth that we are experiencing in our market. Bart Woodcook is flying in from Seattle to help you build your business! Bart is a very experienced networker who has earned millions in this industry, he also has a wealth of knowledge about L'arginine and all our products, in addition to this he has been involved in bringing Dr.Joe to Synergy.

Don't miss this opportunity to take your business to the next level, get your prospects in front of Bart wherever he is over the few days that he is here. Bart is bringing his Cardio testing machine with him, this piece of equipment which costs thousands of dollars can actually measure Vascular age, blood pressure, stress levels and much more. It also validates our product in 20 minutes!!

Our first meeting will be in the City North Hotel, just off the M1 above Dublin airport, on Friday 7th November at 7.30pm. Please be punctual and bring your guests to hear why Bart is so passionate about this business and why he has given up a huge income to be involved with Synergy.

We will also be in Limerick, on Saturday at the South Court Hotel, Galway on Sunday and Northern Ireland doing small group meetings and one-to-ones, finishing on Tuesday night 11th Nov with a meeting outside Belfast ( venue to be confirmed). If you have contacts in any of these areas please let us know and we can help you to recruit them into the business.

We have had a fantastic month and are looking to help you get the success that you deserve from this amazing business, lets make November a bumper month in the run up to Christmas, and share these wonderful products together with this incredible opportunity, with everyone that you know.

We look forward to seeing you next wee, email us or call to book a test with Bart.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nice post sir, really impressive. Thanks for sharing

Russell Reed
pro arginine