
Synergy Worldwide launch new look site

The Synergy Summit 2008 at Anaheim, California, was full of energized events and announcements, none more exciting than the unveiling of Synergy WorldWide’s redesigned corporate Web site.

“The goal of this new Web site is to introduce a new, modern Synergy to the world,” said Tommy Bethards, global communications manager. “These days, the most important part of a company’s brand identity is the Web site, so we put a lot of work into doing the job right and making this Web site something that you will be proud of.”

According to Bethards, one important goal of the redesign was a simple, clean look with easy navigation and top-notch functionality. “With our V3 products on the home page, visitors can see that we are a V3 company, that our products are paramount, and that we are dedicated to enhancing health and improving people’s lives.”

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