
Business Builder - Ranking Europe Oct08

October 2008 TOP 10 Europe by weak leg volume Congrats, Synergyzers!
Keep it rollin’!



Tokyo Summit 2009

Synergy WorldWide today announced our Synergy Summit 2009next fall in
Tokyo, Japan!

For our 10-year anniversary, we are going right back to where it all started. This
international Summit will have thousands in attendance, as team members and
top leaders from around the world converge to share strategies, receive training
and build their businesses on Synergy's momentum.

One of the world's biggest and most influential cities, Tokyo was the home of
Synergy's official launch in 1999. The area, which is home to more than 12
million people, offers countless unique experiences, both urban and natural.
On one hand, Tokyo is a fast-paced, technologically advanced city packed with
high-rise buildings and bright lights. Just outside the city, however, lie gorgeous
Imperial Palaces and immaculate botanical gardens that the Japanese have
watched over for centuries. The possibilities for entertainment and
enlightenment are endless.

Between the incredible business-building opportunities that the Synergy Summit
2009 will provide and the history, culture and excitement of Tokyo, this is sure
to be the trip of a lifetime. We hope to see you there!

Leave a Legacy Magazine Winter08

New issue of Synergy's Leave a Legacy magazine is just out..

Features in this issue inculde:
Report on new headquaters opening
Synergy Awards 2008
Foregin market update
New Website feature

Download here


Synergy Experiances

I have just got testes on the synergy cardio machine that Bart brought with him for us to use and these are my current results.. because i ran out of product early on simply by sharing it with as many people i knew because this is powerful stuff. So now I am restocked and will put the next result up as a comparsion.


Report: Limerick and Galway Bart Woodcook Meetings

Massive thank you to all those that turned out for Barts Visit to Ireland, i am sure everyone would agree it is well worth while coming along and getting tested, taking the Pro Agri9 product and seeing the restuls from his cardio machine, it really quantfies facts right before your eyes!

For thoses looking to still get tested, Bart will be in Cork tonight see the blog below for full infomation


Cork Info: Bart Woodcook

Ok everyone in Cork these are the confirmed times and location for Bart Woodcooks visit to Cork

Monday 10th Nov
Testing 7.30pm / 8pm Sharp
Radisson Hotel, Cork Airport

Notes: Please email or call to book your examination by Bart
Richard Keating +353851252631

GPS: 51°50'54.65"N - 8°28'44.30"W

Galway Info: Bart Woodcook

Ok everyone these are the confirmed times and location for Bart Woodcooks visit to Galway

Sunday 9th Nov
Testing 11.30am - 3pm
Opportunity Meeting 3pm - 4pm
Maldron Hotel (Quality Hotel) Galway Roundabout, Oranmore Galway

Notes: Please email or call to book your examination by Bart
Robbie Ward +353870699544 or email synergyireland@gmail.com

GPS: 53°16'39.19"N - 8°55'39.56"W

Limerick Info : Bart Woodcook

Ok everyone these are the confirmed times and location for Bart Woodcooks visit to Limerick

Saturday 8th Nov
Testing 2.00pm - 7.00pm
Opportunity Meeting 10am to 1pm
South Court Hotel, Cork Road, Limerick

Notes: Please email or call to book your examination by Bart
Gill Carver +353879235717

GPS: 52°37'40.44"N - 8°39'49.57"W

Meetings with Bart Woodcook

Hi Everyone,

we are delighted to have the new "Distributor of the Year" in Ireland next week to support the phenomenal growth that we are experiencing in our market. Bart Woodcook is flying in from Seattle to help you build your business! Bart is a very experienced networker who has earned millions in this industry, he also has a wealth of knowledge about L'arginine and all our products, in addition to this he has been involved in bringing Dr.Joe to Synergy.

Don't miss this opportunity to take your business to the next level, get your prospects in front of Bart wherever he is over the few days that he is here. Bart is bringing his Cardio testing machine with him, this piece of equipment which costs thousands of dollars can actually measure Vascular age, blood pressure, stress levels and much more. It also validates our product in 20 minutes!!

Our first meeting will be in the City North Hotel, just off the M1 above Dublin airport, on Friday 7th November at 7.30pm. Please be punctual and bring your guests to hear why Bart is so passionate about this business and why he has given up a huge income to be involved with Synergy.

We will also be in Limerick, on Saturday at the South Court Hotel, Galway on Sunday and Northern Ireland doing small group meetings and one-to-ones, finishing on Tuesday night 11th Nov with a meeting outside Belfast ( venue to be confirmed). If you have contacts in any of these areas please let us know and we can help you to recruit them into the business.

We have had a fantastic month and are looking to help you get the success that you deserve from this amazing business, lets make November a bumper month in the run up to Christmas, and share these wonderful products together with this incredible opportunity, with everyone that you know.

We look forward to seeing you next wee, email us or call to book a test with Bart.


Sweeteners in V3 Products

Lots of people have been asking great questions about the sweetness in the Pro Agri9+, and we have asked those questions to Synergy Worldwide, below is a report on exactly how safe and natural the sucralose sweetener is.

Sucralose a sweetener.

Synergy uses only ingredients that have been shown through scientific studies to be non-irritating and non-toxic. Sucralose has undergone over 20 years of safety and toxicity research that documents its safety. Sucralose has been shown to be safe even in high doses in animal and human studies (1, 3, 4, 6). The safety of sucralose has been evaluated by many regulatory bodies, including the U.S. FDA, the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, the Health Protection Branch of Health and Welfare Canada, Food Standards Australia/New Zealand, the European Union’s Scientific Committee on Food, and several others in South America and Asia (2, 7). Its use is permitted in over 60 countries.

Sucralose has been found to be safe for use by all consumers, including pregnant women and people with diabetes. Synergy Worldwide would not use sucralose if there was any question to the safety of the ingredient.

The International Food Information Council gives the following statement about the chlorine found in sucralose: “Chlorine in the form of chloride is a safe and natural element present in many of the foods and beverages that we eat and drink every day. It is in most natural water supplies, and is also found in lettuce, tomatoes, mushrooms, melons, peanut butter, and table salt. In the case of sucralose, the addition of chlorine to the sucralose molecule is what makes sucralose free of calories. Sucralose is an essentially inert molecule and it passes through the body without being broken down for calories” (5). General statement previously prepared by Health Sciences:

Sucralose is an artificial sweetener that was discovered in 1976. It is 600 times sweeter than sugar and contains no calories. Only very small amounts of Sucralose are used in foods and supplements due to its intense sweetness. Sucralose is a modified sugar that is very stable. This stability allows it to remain unchanged at high heat temperatures and therefore Sucralose is more suitable for cooking than any other sweetener including sugar. Sucralose does not behave as a sugar in the body. It is not digested and it is poorly absorbed in the digestive tract. Since it is not absorbed and is eliminated after consumption, it does not provide calories to the diet.

Sucralose underwent 20 years of safety and toxicity research before it was approved by the United States FDA in 1998. Since then it has been approved by 60 countries including the Joint FAO/WHO Expert Committee on Food Additives, The European Union, and Canada’s Health Protection Branch. Sucralose has been shown to be safe even in high doses in animal and human

Opponents of Sucralose base their resentment on the lack of long term toxicity studies. Negative perceptions of Sucralose are personal opinion and are not based on careful scientific review. Millions of people worldwide have used and continue to use Sucralose as a calorie-free alternative to sugar. Synergy WorldWide would not use Sucralose if there was any question to the safety of the ingredient.

1. Baird IM, Shephard NW, Merritt RJ, Hildick-Smith G. Repeated dose study of sucralose tolerance in human subjects. Food Chem Toxicol 38 Suppl 2: S123- 129, 2000.
2. FDA Talk Paper: FDA Approves New High-Intensity Sweetener Sucralose. 1998. Available at: http://vm.cfsan.fda.gov/~lrd/tpsucral.html; Accessed April 4, 2008.
3. Goldsmith LA. Acute and subchronic toxicity of sucralose. Food Chem Toxicol 38 Suppl 2:S53-69, 2000.
4. Grotz VL, Henry RR, McGill JB, Prince MJ, Shamoon H, Trout JR, Pi-Sunyer FX. Lack of effect of sucralose on glucose homeostasis in subjects with type 2 diabetes. J Am Diet Assoc. 103: 1607-1612, 2003.
5. IFIC Foundation. Sucralose. 2007. Available at: http://www.ific.org/publications/brochures/sucralosebroch.cfm; Accessed April 4, 2008.
6. Mezitis NH, Maggio CA, Koch P, Quddoos A, Allison DB, Pi-Sunyer FX. Glycemic effect of a single high oral dose of the novel sweetener sucralose in patients with diabetes. Diabetes Care 19: 1004-1005, 1996.
7. Scientific Committee on Food of the European Commission. Opinion of the Scientific Committee on Food on sucralose. 2000. Available at: http://ec.europa.eu/food/fs/sc/scf/out68_en.pdf; Accessed April 7, 2008


Leave a legacy Magazine Summer08

Have you downloaded your copy of Leave a Legacy magazine yet? If not we suggest you do, it is essential reading for everyone in the Synergy Worldwide Business.

Features in this issue include:
  • Health and Wellness
  • Acai Berry: Miracle of the Amazon
  • Ask an expert
  • Business Training
Select the magazine cover for direct download

Report: Distributor Meeting 30/10

WOW...! what a night of infomation that we had at this meeting hopefully everyone has taken notes and is working towards the structure that will propell them to major success with what is now been called the Dream Team nationwide.

The reaction the we are generating from other members europe wide is huge!.... well done to the core group of distributors that have worked so so hard on their business to make the whole teams efforts double in the last two weeks.

Big welcome to all the new members that came along to this last meeting in the south court, Limerick. Contact me with your number or email address to recive text message or email updates about our meetings and upcoming team events.


Open minded and look for the chance to grow?

Open Minded and looking for a chance to Grow? Then we need to talk. Contact us today at synergyireland@gmail.com or the phone number on the card above and we will contact you straight away to discuss the opportunity that will change your life.

Dr Perricone's - 7 Secretes

He has shown us how to smooth our wrinkles, and helped us slim down without feeling deprived. Now #1 New York Times bestselling author Dr. Nicholas Perricone gives us an anti-aging program that unveils the miracle of cellular rejuvenation.

These seven powerful strategies are not only easy to follow but present a plan for total health designed to help us look and feel great by age-proofing us from the inside out.
Taking a holistic approach that taps into cutting-edge science, Dr. Nicholas Perricone reveals how to rev up our cellular metabolism so that we can stay healthy, strong, and energetic, while keeping our skin soft, smooth, and supple.

These strategies will help us reverse osteoporosis, restore bone structure and muscle mass, revitalize brain cells, reduce the chances of heart disease and cancer, elevate mood, manage blood sugar, and slim down and stay trim. Inside Dr. Perricone’s 7 Secrets to Beauty, Health, and Longevity you will discover
• the six kinds of food you need to eat every day, as well as healthy and delicious snacks–including a vegetable that both suppresses appetite and builds muscle • new findings about the best nutritional supplements to win the fight against aging • revolutionary skin rejuvenating secrets for radiant, toned, and youthful-looking skin • the role of pheromones in curbing depression, boosting self-confidence, triggering weight loss, and improving libido • the essential oil that is more powerful than antibiotics • an exercise plan that will shape your silhouette and strengthen your bones in as little as ten minutes a day • delicious recipes, easy shopping lists, and a guide to safe cookware so that you can create your own anti-aging kitchen

Dr. Perricone’s trademark tips about new products that really work–and where to find them
Whether your aim is to look younger, improve your health, or just feel great, you’ll see fast results by following Dr. Perricone’s simple program. These seven indispensable secrets will keep you beautiful, healthy, and young all through life.



Report: Medical Advisory Board Dr. Norm Shealy

Dr. Shealy has long been concerned about the pervasive health effects of oxygen free radicals. That’s why he is so excited about Mistica. “After years of examining every kind of functional food beverage, and hundreds of vitamin and herbal supplements, I have finally found a product that will actually make a significant improvement in oxidative damage,” says Dr. Shealy.

By the time he was 4-years-old, Dr. Norm Shealy, Synergy’s latest addition to the Medical Advisory Board, knew he wanted to be a physician. Now his ideas on natural health therapies and the importance of antioxidants are recognized throughout the country for their scientific rigor, creative scope, and wide application.

Dr. Shealy is particularly interested in Synergy’s Mistica and its unique combination of powerful antioxidants, phytosterols, and amino acids. Synergy extends a warm welcome to Dr. Shealy and is tremendously excited to have him join the company and lend his expertise to developing products that can changes peoples’ lives all over the world.

Dr. Shealy entered Duke University at age 16 and Duke Medical School at 19. He interned in internal medicine at Duke and then spent a year of general surgery at Banes Hospital, followed by a five-year residency in neurosurgery at Harvard’s Massachusetts General Hospital. He is board-certified in neurological surgery. In 1977 he earned a Ph.D. in psychology from Saybrook Institute, the leading humanistic psychology school.

Dr. Shealy has appeared on numerous national TV programs, including The Tomorrow Show, Good Morning America, the Today Show, Oprah, the Wisdom Channel, and scores of regional and local television and radio programs. For 20 years he has had the most popular call-in radio show in the Ozarks on KWTO, 560 AM.

Throughout his career, Dr. Shealy has long been concerned about the pervasive health effects of oxygen free radicals. That’s why he is so excited about Mistica. “After years of examining every kind of functional food beverage, and hundreds of vitamin and herbal supplements, I have finally found a product that will actually make a significant improvement in oxidative damage,” says Dr. Shealy. “A while ago, before I joined Synergy, I was approached about Mistica, which was touted as a powerful antioxidant functional beverage containing extracts from the Brazilian Açai berry augmented with extracts from nine additional botanicals. I was skeptical, but I agreed to conduct a trial to examine the effects of Mistica on free radical damage.”

To measure the extent of ongoing free-radical damage in the body, Dr. Shealy used a test that measures malondialdehyde (MDA), a by-product of free radical damage to cell membranes. A small amount of urine is added to a colorless reactive agent that develops color in the presence of MDA. Higher levels of ongoing free radical damage in the body will create higher concentrations of MDA in the urine and a darker color on the assay.

“The results of the study were so impressive that I am thoroughly convinced that Mistica is a powerful and effective antioxidant,” says Dr. Shealy. “Mistica can help mitigate the effects of free radical damage in the body. This is the first, and only, example of a food supplement that I have found to have a significant impact on cellular membrane integrity.”
“Knowledge is power,” says Dr. Shealy. “You can harness this new knowledge by being proactive and assessing the free radical damage you are experiencing, and by using Mistica to mitigate the pervasive effects thereof. In my opinion, by doing so you will be taking a powerful step toward taking control of your personal health.”

In 1999, Dr. Shealy retired from actively seeing patients and now spends his time dedicated to further research and teaching. Having begun his career by alternative forms of treatment for patients, he now desires, through research, teaching, and writing, to blend what he and others have learned via his discoveries with the more traditional approaches to medicine.

Product Info: Synergy's New Packaging for Mistica

Its has just been revealed that the new packaging for the Synergy V3 products will commence half way through Q4 of 2008.

All ready industry reviewers are giving the new look the thumbs up saying it makes the family compleate with one seamless look.

Product Info: Mistica fruit blend

Mistica has proven to reduce damages caused by free radicals in the body with an average of 43% including the aging process of the skin.

Synergy’s Mistica fruit blend combines the life-giving properties of the

~ ACAI Fruit ~

With the natural goodness and health promoting ability of:

Concord Grape, Elderberry, Red Grape, Bilberry, Blueberry, Pomegranate

Red Raspberry, Grape seed, Cranberry, Green Tea Leaf, Lycium

Mistica benefits you in five important ways:

Provides antioxidant protection against harmful free radicals

Enhances mental focus

Supports the immune system

Promotes increased vigor and greater energy

Helps support cardiovascular and digestive tract health

Mistica fruit blend contains naturally occurring levels of:



Essential fatty acids


Amino acids

Mistica gives you the combination of nutrients you need for successful living any time of the day

For an in depth look at our Mistica info site click here


Report: Limerick Meeting 25/10

Big thank you to our distributors who attended this mornings meeting. What a fantastic vibe from a great bunch of people that are all working together to bulid careful structure in the business to acheive maxinum results.

Congrats to those who have reached their rank targets over the last week and i am sure that once again we will have more people up at their target rankings goals by the next meeting.

Remember everyone keep your eye on the target and you will get there!

For any distributor or anyone looking for info, feel free to email me at synergyireland@gmail.com


Report: Medical Advisor Board Member Dr Joe Prendergst

Dr. Joe Prendergast

Dr. Joe is an expert in arginine and passionately believes in its ability to enhance health. Arginine is an essential amino acid that has been studied for more than 50 years. In 1998, three American scientists won the Noble Prize for the discovery of the role that arginine plays in the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide dilates the blood vessels, helping them relax and restore elasticity. Arginine is also important in cell division, immunity, and the secretion of hormones.

Dr. Joe’s vision and experience will be tremendously useful in helping us launch exciting new products and innovative health-related technologies. Welcome aboard, Dr. Joe!

Dr. Joe is a true renaissance man with significant work in many fields. He is an accomplished scientist, researcher, and humanist and has been a practicing physician for over 35 years. During that time Dr. Joe has empowered countless patients in the art of self-care. Dr. Joe believes in the power of the individual and has spent his career helping people manage their own health.

Dr. Joe emphasizes a whole-body approach to health and understands every facet of wellness, including healthy eating, the importance of exercise, the value of nutritional supplements, and the often overlooked emotional aspect of health.

Dr. Joe passionately believes in the ability of arginine to enhance health. Arginine is an essential amino acid that has been studied for more than 50 years. In 1998, three American scientists won the Noble Prize for the discovery of the role that arginine plays in the production of nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide dilates the blood vessels, helping them relax and restore elasticity. Arginine is also important in cell division, immunity, and the secretion of hormones.

Since 1991, Dr. Joe has been personally using arginine and recommending it in his medical practice. “Arginine benefits the body in a myriad of ways,” says Dr. Joe. “We have now learned more about how arginine uses the two natural pathways into the brain to promote anti-aging properties, sports performance, and boost the immune system. Because arginine promotes healthy blood flow, it can also benefit human sexuality. We can’t ignore the power of arginine any longer!”
Although you can get arginine from many types of foods, including meat, shellfish, and legumes, the average daily intake of arginine usually only meets the body’s basic requirements for tissue repair and cell maintenance. “Arginine supplements provide much more of the amino acid available to your body for its many other purposes,” Dr. Joe says.

Dr. Joe is board-certified in internal medicine as well as endocrinology and metabolism. A graduate of Wayne State University in Detroit, Michigan, he completed a fellowship in endocrinology and metabolism at Henry Ford Hospital in Detroit and his research fellowship at the University of California, San Francisco.

Dr. Joe is passionate about research and service to those unable to access quality care in all walks of life. He is the author of over 40 medical articles in well-known publications such as the Journal of the American Medical Association, The New England Journal of Medicine, and Diabetes Care. Dr. Joe recently received a certificate of recognition from the American Medical Association for demonstrating outstanding commitment to eliminating health care disparities in the area of access.

Dr. Joe has recently published his first book The Uncommon Doctor: Dr. Joe’s Rx for Managing Your Health, that reveals the secrets of preventive medicine and helps readers design a strategic wellness program.


Grand Opening Today!

All the Irish members want to wish everyone the best of luck with the Grand Opening Event of our new corporate headquarters in Pleasant Grove on Friday, October 24, 2008. We cant wait to get over there in 2009

Building a brand identity is very important in this business, and the new Synergy headquarters will help mightily in achieving this goal. We’ve put our own stamp on the building and have been able to design the new headquarters just the way we want it, with more focus on distributors and our core identity. The layout and design all say “Synergy,” and show off what the company’s all about. We think you’ll be impressed!

Friday October 24, 2008
1 p.m. to 4 p.m.
Corporate Office and NSP Warehouse Tours
Limited seating available, you must pre-register to reserve a seat.
4 p.m.
Ribbon Cutting Ceremony
5 p.m.
Product Training
Dr. Joseph Prendergast
6-7 p.m.
Opportunity Meeting

Chlorophyll Plus becomes PhytoLife

Product News

One of Synergy´s top products changes its name. Chlorophyll Plus becomes PhytoLife.
A new sonorous name, which has been created after several differentiated researches and public opinion polls, which came to life as an expression of a name with positive connotations and a well founded believe in the product.

As a matter of course, Phytolife is based on the same ingrediants like Chlorophyll, it is the same formula. The delivery of the new branded V3 product is anticipated for the end of the 4th Quarter 2008.

Report: Synergy Meeting Limerick

Well done to everyone that arranged and took part in the meeting last week in the South Court Hotel. A great informative night had by all in limerick well done to all involved again, and congrats to all the people who acheived pins for their effort in building their business.

Check back or subscribe to us to receive more information to the next meeting close to your area.

Meetings coming soon : Galway: Dublin: Ballina: Cork.

Also let us know if you want a meeting held in your local area and our dedicated team are on hand to help make it a massive success.

Synergy Worldwide launch new look site

The Synergy Summit 2008 at Anaheim, California, was full of energized events and announcements, none more exciting than the unveiling of Synergy WorldWide’s redesigned corporate Web site.

“The goal of this new Web site is to introduce a new, modern Synergy to the world,” said Tommy Bethards, global communications manager. “These days, the most important part of a company’s brand identity is the Web site, so we put a lot of work into doing the job right and making this Web site something that you will be proud of.”

According to Bethards, one important goal of the redesign was a simple, clean look with easy navigation and top-notch functionality. “With our V3 products on the home page, visitors can see that we are a V3 company, that our products are paramount, and that we are dedicated to enhancing health and improving people’s lives.”

Why Synergy? and Why Now?

Did you know?
♥ More people die in Ireland every year from cardiovascular disease than any other disease. It accounts for 36% of all deaths and is a major cause of disability, representing a huge burden on our healthcare system.
♥ Heart Disease develops in silence, over many years and is usually very advanced by the time people experience any symptoms.
People die suddenly from heart disease and very often before medical care is sought.

However…… Heart Disease is Preventable!

Up to 80% of the incidence of Heart Disease can be prevented through the modification of risk factors such as cholesterol, blood pressure and smoking.

Could there finally be a cure for Heart Disease?

Learn about the significance of the Wellness Revolution and how Synergy's Scientifically PROVEN products can not only significantly improve your Health, but our powerful compensation plan has the potential to significantly improve your Wealth!


Synergy V3 Launched in Ireland

Synergy WorldWide is Open for Business in Ireland since September 2008. The Republic of Ireland is the fifth European country to open its doors to Synergy WorldWide, alongside Germany, United Kingdom, The Netherlands and Austria. September 2008 is the first month in which we can order the incredible Synergy V3 Products and participate in one of the most exciting Business Opportunities that has ever been launched in this part of the world!

Feel free to contact me directly if you would like to recive more infomation on our V3 products

Please listen to the Audio Presentation with information on the business, the World Class Products, The Compensation Plan and the Possibilities to plan your future with SYNERGY WorldWide here


Synergy WorldWide is a leader in health products, makers of ProArg9 Plus, V3 System, Mistify , Phytolife and other great products

Synergy Worldwide, a world leader in health, anti-aging and wellness products, has just launched in Ireland and is currently looking for motivated people to join its fast growing and dynamic team with SynergyCoreGroup Ireland.

Given the current economic climate, this is an excellent opportunity to work for a world-renowned company which offers a unique innovative and revolutionary product range with the added advantage of being a major benefit to our health and heart.

A road show around Ireland will take place in the first week of July 2009 where everyone can attend and find out more about both the product range and the distributor positions avaiable.
No experience is necessary in this industry is needed we provide full training.

Led by founder and CEO Dan Higginson, Synergy Worldwide prides itself on its team of scientists, each chosen for their specific knowledge of product research, development and quality control. This means you can be assured of the highest quality and best formulated products available.

As Synergy expands throughout the world, it is fulfilling its dream of helping more and more people attain better health, grow more prosperous and live a balanced life of wisdom and services to others and leaving a legacy.

It’s no secret that today’s world threatens our health in many ways. Environmental toxins, poor dietary habits, an abundance of cheap food, declining exercise rates and a hectic lifestyle all contribute to the rising rates of chronic disease.

Many people believe one nutritional support product can cure all their ills. But a one-product approach to health may limit our body’s ability to perform to its maximum potential. The human body works best when all its systems function together, optimally. In short, a whole-body approach to health is best.

The power of Synergy V3 lies in how its three products— PhytoLife, Mistify, and ProArgi-9 Plus—work in combination to help promote health in every part of your daily life.

The modern diet is out of balance. Our high-octane lifestyle and poor food choices, such as not consuming enough fresh fruits and vegetables, leave many of us at risk of not getting the right proportion of the nutrients we need.

Research shows that the human body requires the nutrients in fruits and vegetables to help build our bones, nervous system and other important body systems. Without them, we face the risk of a weakened immune system, premature aging, and other threats to our health.

One of the most important nutrients missing from today’s diet is chlorophyll, which is the green matter in plants formed during photosynthesis. It derives energy from the sun and performs various life-promoting functions for plants and, studies show, for humans as well.

You can boost your daily chlorophyll intake with Synergy’s PhytoLife – your daily portion of liquid sunshine!

Free radicals damage the cells in the body and contribute to premature aging and other serious health conditions. The threat posed by free radicals increases every day because of growing environmental conditions such as pollution and solar exposure.

Synergy’s Mistify formula of açaí combined with other super foods provide a rich source of antioxidants such as anthocyanins, cathechins and phenolics. Dr Norm Shealy recently studied Mistify to determine its antioxidant impact in the body. The test lasted for three weeks. The participants drank two ounces of Mistify daily. Their oxidative damage level was measured at the beginning and end of the study. The test results showed a 43 per cent average reduction in oxidative damage.

With the battle against free radicals half won, winning the rest of the day is a sheer bliss with Mistify.

Heart health is one of the most important medical issues facing the world today. Maintaining optimum heart performance and enhancing the cardiovascular system are key factors for long-term wellness.

The remarkable properties of l-arginine were validated by the 1998 Nobel Prize in medicine. Scientific studies have shown that l-arginine maintains already normal blood pressure levels, blood thickness, and improves overall cardiovascular fitness.

ProArgi9 Plus is being called the most potent Nutraceutical ever created and its formula is exclusive to Synergy. It is the company’s top-selling product and the cornerstone of any nutritional regimen.